so tovarishchi (with friends)
phase synchronization of chaotic oscillators
control of synchrony, application to deep brain stimulation
large ensembles, partial synchrony, chimera states
synchronization in biological systems
Time series analysis:
synchronization approach to multivariate data, with application to - cardiorespiratory interaction - brain activity
phase estimation, inference of phase dynamics
connectivity problem, network reconstruction
DAMOCO: Matlab software for data analysis using coupled oscillator models
Postal Address:
apl. Prof. Dr. Michael Rosenblum Statistical Physics/Theory of Chaos Dept. of Physics and Astronomy Potsdam University Karl-Liebknecht Str 24-25 14476 Potsdam, Germany
(+49-331) 977-1604 (+49-331) 977-5947
Office: Campus Golm, Bld 28, Room 2.128